Tuesday 9th June: How Wired has taken advantage of audience surges to forecast 10% revenue growth

Good morning! Today's Media Roundup is brought to you by Esther.

Wired magazine is forecasting revenue growth of up to 10% this year, despite coronavirus, as the Conde Nast brand has seen a "huge appetite" from readers and advertisers during the pandemic.

'Alright for some,' you might be thinking, but pretty much every publisher has seen an increase in demand from audiences the past few months. This piece is worth a read because of Wired's response to that demand; pivoting rapidly to virtual events to protect revenue, developing products quickly, and having solutions ready for sponsors and advertisers.

Talking about the importance of diversification, Editor in Chief Greg Williams says: "If one thing is maybe a bit more challenged than the other thing, we can always assume that actually something else is probably going to be growing."

One by me from last week's PPA Live webinar. Editor in Chief Anna Bassi talks about coronavirus' impact on UK subscriptions, launching the US version in the middle of a pandemic, and how they approach difficult topics like terrorism and protests with their junior audience.

The opinion editor responsible for the "Send in the Troops" piece has resigned after more than 800 staff signed a letter denouncing the article's publication. The NYT are now putting together a new team to "lead the department through a time of considerable change."

At least someone's hiring journalists right now! A church in Kent wants a full-time journalist to help "build community life" after a survey of parishioners found a demand for local news and communication.


Robin Kwong talks about how his team develops features to help the WSJ's wider goals, how he helps facilitate innovation across teams in the business, and how his background in reporting and data journalism has helped his approach to this role.