Saturday 6th June: My Media Roundup by James Hewes, CEO and President, FIPP

Every Saturday morning, we invite a publishing pro to put together their top media links. This week's guest editor is James Hewes.

James is the President and CEO of FIPP - the network for global media. FIPP works with media businesses across the globe, empowering members to build market-leading international media businesses through intelligence, solutions & partnerships.

You can also find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

James says:

"This past week, the death of George Floyd and subsequent protests across the world have led all of us to re-examine the way we approach issues of race and diversity and, in the case of the media, how we talk about these issues. My top story this week highlights the debate that is going at the New York Times about their decision to run a controversial op-ed piece advocating military intervention in the US protests. This article is worth reading as it brings to the forefront an issue that has troubled our industry in recent years – namely, in a period of political extremes, what does showing “counter arguments” (to use Dean Baquet’s phrase) look like?

Otherwise, I’ve highlighted some FIPP stories that have been popular this week, as well as a couple of other pieces that caught my eye. I hope you find this useful!"

This story from Nieman Lab looks at the disagreements amongst staffers at the NYT on their decision to run an op-ed piece advocating military intervention in the US protests.

The coronavirus outbreak has forced most businesses to change the way they work. FIPP is no exception. Here, I've written about what we've learned from doing webinars.

Media Voices: We loved this so much we linked to it earlier this week, so if you haven't read it yet and are even contemplating virtual events, add this to your list!

This has been our most popular story on FIPP this week. With countries around the world beginning to ease restrictions, the thoughts of many in the magazine media industry are turning to when and how, and if they will return to the office.

An interesting piece I've found on the relative Covid-19 recovery rates for 41 economies, to see which countries are reopening for business.

This is our own report on how the publishing industry is experiencing, responding to and planning to overcome the existential threat posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. It brings together insights and information from more than 20 representatives of national publisher associations around the world, as well as almost two dozen senior execs from international publishing businesses.

A slightly off-beat one which needs some commentary. Future PLC's latest results are very revealing, including the fact that only 40% of their revenue comes from the UK, 27% of their revenue comes from e-commerce, and only 20% of their business has anything to do with magazines - even including the digital element of those magazines.

If you would like to guest edit a future edition of My Media Roundup, simply reply to this email.